In-house Indicator
Disclosure number |
Disclosure title |
Independent |
Additional |
Sustainable development |
GRI 3-1 |
The process of identifying relevant issues |
GRI 3-2 |
List of relevant issues |
Relevant issue 2023 |
PSE's impact on the national economy and public finances |
GRI Sectoral aspect |
Pośredni wpływ ekonomiczny |
GRI 3-3 |
Management of relevant issues | |||
Effect index |
Total added value generated in the Polish economy in 2022 thanks to the PSE’s operating and investment activities. |
In-house Indicator | ||
Effect index |
Value added created in the economy by PSE activities – total, direct, indirect and induced. | In-house Indicator | ||
Effect index |
Number of jobs maintained due to the PSE's operating and investment activities |
In-house indicator |
Total amount of taxes, fees and social security contributions paid to the state budget and budgets of local government units | In-house Indicator |
In-house indicator |
The largest local tax beneficiaries | |||
Relevant issue 2023 |
Security of electricity supply in the short and long term perspective |
GRI 3-3 |
Management of relevant issues | |||
In-house indicator |
ENS – indicator of Energy Not Supplied by the power transmission system |
In-house indicator
AIT – indicator of Average Interruption Time in the power transmission system |
In-house indicator |
Electricity supply continuity index |
In-house Indicator | ||
GRI EU12 |
Transmission losses as percentage of total energy taken off | |||
In-house indicator |
Total energy consumption by end-users connected to the NPS (in GWh) | |||
Wskaźnik własny |
Total amount of electricity delivered from the transmission grid to domestic customers of transmission services (in GWh) | In-house Indicator | ||
Relevant issue 2023 |
Developing the capacity market |
GRI 3-3 |
Management of relevant issues | GRI 3-3 | ||
In-house indicator
Number of capacity contracts concluded in the main auction |
In-house indicator |
Number of capacity contracts concluded in the supplementary auction |
Relevant issue 2023 |
Integration of the Polish electricity market with European markets |
GRI 3-3 |
Management of relevant issues |
In-house indicator |
Engagement of PSE representatives in the work of the European institutions and agencies |
In-house indicator |
Number of borders covered by a market mechanism consistent with the European target model |
In-house Indicator |
Relevant issue 2023 |
Supply chain – building standards for ethical cooperation, including working for competitive integrity and against corruption |
Aspekt GRI |
Ethics and prevention of discrimination and corruption (2016) |
GRI 3-3 |
Management of relevant issues |
GRI 406-1 |
Total number of incidents related to discrimination, and corrective actions taken on this issue in 2022 |
GRI 205-1
Percentage and total number of business units analysed for corruption risks and identified risks |
GRI 205-2
Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures |
GRI 205-3 | Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken | |||
Relevant issue 2023 |
PSE's influence on the development of the National Power System |
Aspekt GRI | Critical infrastructure management (2016) | |||
GRI 3-3 |
Management of relevant issues |
In-house indicator |
Total capacity of new generating sources with valid connection agreements |
Length and number of above-ground and underground power transmission lines |
In-house indicator |
Number and power rating of transformers | |||
In-house indicator | Availability index for transmission facilities (DYSU) | In-house Indicator | ||
In-house indicator | Capital expenditure incurred | In-house Indicator | ||
In-house indicator | Planned capital expenditures by PSE for 2023-2036 | |||
In-house indicator | Number of meetings with authorities and institutions as part of the investment project implementation | In-house Indicator | ||
Relevant issue 2023 |
PSE's impact on the adaptation of the National Power System to the energy transition |
Aspekt GRI |
Critical infrastructure management (2016) |
GRI 3-3 |
Management of relevant issues | |||
GRI 305-3 |
Other indirect greenhouse gas emission |
Relevant issue 2023 |
Balancing Market Reform |
Aspekt GRI |
Strategy |
GRI 3-3
Management of relevant issues | |||
In-house indicator |
Number of balancing market participants | In-house Indicator |
In-house indicator |
Number of balancing market emergency procedures applied |
In-house Indicator |
Relevant issue 2023 |
Working conditions (including employment rules, equal access to jobs, employee health and safety) |
Aspekt GRI |
Employment and market presence (2016) |
GRI 3-3 |
Management of relevant issues | |||
GRI 401-1
Total number and rates of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender and region |
GRI 401-2 |
Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees, by significant location of operations |
GRI 202-1 |
Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage in main business locations | |||
GRI EU15 |
Percentage of employees eligible to retire in the next 5 and 10 years broken down by job category | |||
Aspekt GRI |
Occupational Health and Safety (2018) |
GRI 403-1 |
Employees' health and safety management system | |||
GRI 403-2 |
Hazard identification, risk assessment and accident investigation processes |
GRI 403-3 |
Unit responsible for the management of occupational safety |
GRI 403-4 |
Employee participation, consultation and communication on occupational safety issues | |||
GRI 403-5 |
Employee safety training | |||
GRI 403-6 |
Health promotion among employees | |||
GRI 403-7 |
Prevention and reduction of occupational phenomena and incidents affecting employees' health and safety | |||
GRI 403-8 |
Employees covered by the occupational safety management system | |||
GRI 403-9 |
Work-related injury rate | |||
GRI 403-10 |
Occupational disease rate | |||
Relevant issue 2023 |
Employee development |
Aspekt GRI |
Training and education (2016) |
GRI 3-3 |
Management of relevant issues | |||
GRI 404-1 |
Average hours of training per year per employee by gender and employee category | |||
GRI 404-2 |
Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings |
GRI 404-3 | Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews, by gender and by employee category | |||
Relevant issue 2023 |
Reducing social impact at the stage of implementation and completion of the project (noise, interference with the landscape) |
Aspekt GRI |
Local community (2016) |
GRI 3-3 |
Management of relevant issues | |||
GRI 413-2
Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities | |||
GRI EU22 |
Number of persons physically and economically relocated and compensation for relocation | |||
Relevant issue 2023 |
Cyber security of the electricity sector |
GRI 3-3 |
Management of relevant issues |
In-house indicator |
Expenses incurred on IT/OT security and R&D |
Relevant issue 2023 |
PSE's impact on reducing carbon footprint in the electricity sector |
Aspekt GRI |
Emissions (2016) |
GRI 3-3
Management of relevant issues | |||
GRI 305-1
Direct greenhouse gas emission | |||
GRI 305-2 |
Indirect greenhouse gas energy emission | GRI 305-2
GRI 305-3 |
Other indirect greenhouse gas emission | GRI 305-3
GRI 305-4 |
Greenhouse gas emission intensity | GRI 305-4
GRI Aspect |
Energy (2016) |
GRI 302-1 |
Energy consumption within the organisation |
In-house indicator |
Measures implemented during the reporting period to improve energy efficiency | In-house Indicator |
Relevant issue 2023 |
Adaptation of organizations to climate change (taxonomy, carbon footprint) |
GRI Aspect |
Emissions (2016) |
GRI 3-3 | Management of relevant issues | |||
Percentage share of Taxonomy-eligible business activities in total turnover | TURNOVER KPI |
Percentage share of Taxonomy-eligible economic activities in total capital expenditures | CAPEX KPI |
OPEX KPI | Percentage of Taxonomy-eligible business activities in total operational expenses | OPEX KPI | ||
Relevant issue 2023 |
Raise standards of cooperation with contractors and subcontractors in the area of environment and health and safety |
GRI 3-3 |
Management of relevant issues | |||
GRI EU18 |
Percentage of supplier employees who have received appropriate occupational health and safety training (estimated based on HSEQ checks) | |||
GRI Aspect |
Biodiversity (2016) |
GRI EU13 |
Biodiversity of natural compensation compared to the biodiversity of affected areas |
GRI 304-2 |
Significant impacts of products and services on biodiversity of protected areas including areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas |
GRI 304-3 |
Protected or revitalised habitats | |
Relevant issue 2023 |
PSE's flagship community projects (including the “WzMOCnij swoje otoczenia” [EmPOWER Your Environment ] grant program) and their effects as part of the good neighbor policy |
GRI Aspect |
SLocal community (2016) |
GRI 3-3 |
Management of relevant issues |
In-house indicator |
Objectives of projects implemented under the “Wzmocnij Swoje Otoczenie” grant program |
In-house indicator |
Total value donated by PSE for social actions in 2020 |
In-house Indicator |
In-house indicator |
Value of projects implemented under the “Wzmocnij Swoje Otoczenie” grant program |
In-house Indicator |
In-house indicator | Number of social projects implemented | In-house Indicator | ||
GRI 413-1 |
Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs | GRI 413-1 |
Kluczowy temat: |
Minimalizowanie negatywnego wpływu społecznego realizowanych inwestycji (hałas, ingerencja w krajobraz) |
GRI Aspect |
Procurement practices (2016) |
In-house indicator
Number of contractors, subcontractors and suppliers with which cooperation has been ongoing for several years | |||
In-house indicator |
PSE contractors according to the contract value |
In-house indicator |
Total value of completed procurement procedures |
GRI Aspect |
Economic performance (2016) |
GRI 201-1 |
Direct economic value, generated and distributed | |||
GRI 201-4 |
Financial assistance received from the government |
In-house indicator |
Expenditures for research and development works (in PLN thousand) | In-house Indicator |
GRI Aspect |
Water, waste and sewage (2016) |
GRI 303-1 |
Total water consumption by source | |||
GRI 306-1 |
Total sewage volume by quality and destination |
GRI 306-2 |
Total waste weight by type and waste disposal method |
GRI 306-3 |
Total number and volume of significant spills | |||
GRI Aspect |
Compliance with environmental regulations (2016) |
GRI 307-1 |
Monetary value of fines and total number of non-financial sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations |
Cele Zrównoważonego Rozwoju ONZ
- Cel 1: Wyeliminować ubóstwo we wszystkich jego formach na całym świecie
- Cel 2: Wyeliminować głód, osiągnąć bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe i lepsze odżywianie oraz promować zrównoważone rolnictwo
- Cel 3: Zapewnić wszystkim ludziom w każdym wieku zdrowe życie oraz promować dobrobyt
- Cel 4: Zapewnić wszystkim edukację wysokiej jakości oraz promować uczenie się przez całe życie
- Cel 5: Osiągnąć równość płci oraz wzmocnić pozycję kobiet i dziewcząt
- Cel 6: Zapewnić wszystkim ludziom dostęp do wody i warunków sanitarnych poprzez zrównoważoną gospodarkę zasobami wodnymi
- Cel 7: Zapewnić wszystkim dostęp do stabilnej, zrównoważonej i nowoczesnej energii po przystępnej cenie
- Cel 8: Promować stabilny, zrównoważony i inkluzywny wzrost gospodarczy, pełne i produktywne zatrudnienie oraz godną pracę dla wszystkich ludzi
- Cel 9: Budować stabilną infrastrukturę, promować zrównoważone uprzemysłowienie oraz wspierać innowacyjność
- Cel 10: Zmniejszyć nierówności w krajach i między krajami
- Cel 11: Uczynić miasta i osiedla ludzkie bezpiecznymi, stabilnymi, zrównoważonymi oraz sprzyjającymi włączeniu społecznemu
- Cel 12: Zapewnić wzorce zrównoważonej konsumpcji i produkcji
- Cel 13: Pilne działania zwalczające zmiany klimatyczne i ich skutki
- Cel 14: Chronić oceany, morza i zasoby morskie oraz wykorzystywać je w sposób zrównoważony
- Cel 15: Chronić, przywrócić oraz promować zrównoważone użytkowanie ekosystemów lądowych, zrównoważone gospodarowanie lasami, zwalczać pustynnienie, powstrzymywać i odwracać proces degradacji gleby oraz powstrzymać utratę różnorodności biologicznej
- Cel 16: Promować pokojowe i inkluzywne społeczeństwa, zapewnić wszystkim ludziom dostęp do wymiaru sprawiedliwości oraz budować na wszystkich szczeblach skuteczne i odpowiedzialne instytucje, sprzyjające włączeniu społecznemu
- Cel 17: Wzmocnić środki wdrażania i ożywić globalne partnerstwo na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju