MANAGEMENTManagement principles – corporate governance and organisational culture

Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. (PSE) based in Konstancin-Jeziorna is a company wholly owned by the State Treasury. The company has been operating as the only electricity Transmission System Operator (TSO) in the territory of the Republic of Poland since 1 July 2004. PSE’s designation as a transmission system operator separated the transmission business and domestic electricity trading into two independent areas. It is now 20 years since PSE started to perform this function and carry out the mission of balancing the national electricity system and ensuring its reliable operation.

The statutory purpose of our organisation is to provide electricity transmission services and ensure the secure and economic operation of the national power system (NPS), as well as the interaction of the system with other power systems with which it is interconnected. Our responsibilities are strictly defined, and operations are conducted under a licence.

Governing bodies of the company

The sole shareholder of the company is the State Treasury. The powers of the State Treasury were exercised in 2023 by the Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure.

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board (SB) exercises permanent supervision over all areas of the company’s activity. The members of the Supervisory Board are appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders for a term of three years. The Supervisory Board acts pursuant to the Commercial Companies Code and other laws, the Company’s Articles of Association, resolutions of the General Meeting and the Rules of the Supervisory Board.

Composition of the Supervisory Board as at the date of the publication:

      • Jakub Trojgo – Chairman of the Supervisory Board,
      • Paulina Mielcarek – Member of the Supervisory Board,
      • Ksenia Ludwiniak – Member of the Supervisory Board,
      • Aleksandra Sieczkowska - Pachelska – Member of the Supervisory Board.

SB Committees

The Supervisory Board (SB) of PSE may, in order to be assisted in carrying out its supervisory tasks, appoint committees from among its members. There are currently three committees in the PSE SB: Audit Committee, Investment Committee and Strategy Committee.

The Audit Committee (AC) is composed of three members appointed by the Supervisory Board for the term of office of the SB from among its members. The AC supports the SB in particular in supervising:

  • the implementation and control of the financial reporting processes in the company and its corporate group,
  • functioning of the internal control systems in the company,
  • operation of risk identification and management systems,
  • independence of internal and external auditors,
  • the company’s relations with related undertakings within the meaning of the Accounting Act of 29 September 1994.

The Investment Committee (IC) is composed of at least three members appointed by the Supervisory Board for the term of office of the SB from among its members. It supports the SB in particular in supervising:

  • implementation of the company’s investment project plan,
  • transmission grid development planning.

The Strategy Committee (IC) is composed of at least three members appointed by the Supervisory Board for the term of office of the SB from among its members. The IC supports the SB in:

  • monitoring of the implementation of the Company’s and the PSE Capital Group’s Strategy by PSE units,
  • giving opinions on draft amendments to the Strategy,
  • analysing the achievement of current management KPI targets and KPI proposals for the next year.

Management Board

Management Board members are appointed for a 3-year term by either the General Meeting or the Supervisory Board. Currently, the Management Board is composed of 4 members.

Composition of the Management Board as at the date of the publication:

  • Grzegorz Onichimowski – President of the Management Board
  • Tomasz Sikorski – Vice President of the Management Board
  • Włodzimierz Mucha – Vice President of the Management Board
  • Andrzej Zienkiewicz – Vice President of the Management Board

The qualifications and procedure for appointing members of the Management Board are governed by law, the Articles of Association and the owner’s guidelines. According to the Articles of Association, a member of the Management Board may be a person who meets all of the following conditions:

  • has a university degree or a university degree obtained abroad recognised in the Republic of Poland,
  • has been hired for at least 5 years under an employment contract, nomination, election, appointment, cooperative employment contract, or provision of services under another contract or on a self-employment basis,
  • at least 3 years of experience in managerial or independent positions or resulting from self-employment.

A member of the Board of Directors must also meet all requirements set forth in separate regulations and must not violate restrictions or prohibitions on holding the position of a member of a management body in commercial companies. Candidate members of the Management Board submit to the body appointing the Management Board appropriate declarations of their functions, shares held and other entitlements to participation in business entities.

The Management Board must also include persons with experience in the power sector (at least five years of professional experience) ─ in the case of a five-member Management Board, at least two persons.

The Management Board, indicating their powers and responsibilities, has established committees to conduct regular supervision and coordination of activities in areas of particular importance to the company. The committees, as opinion-advisory and decision-making bodies, assist the Management Board in specific areas and recommend changes in projects included in the PSE project portfolio. According to their rules of procedure, matters dealt with by committees can be resolved by resolutions and decisions set forth in the minutes. In matters beyond their authority, the committees request, when necessary, a decision from the Members of the Management Board, the Management Board or other bodies of the company. Every six months, a report on the activities of the committees is prepared for all members of the Management Board, which also includes information on resolutions passed and topics referred to the Management Board and the Supervisory Board for analysis. In 2023, the committees considered more than 1,626 cases in total and presented about 6.2 percent of them to the company’s bodies for consideration.

The committees are composed of the members of the Management Board in charge of the respective areas as well as experts in a given field (the composition of a committee is determined by the Management Board by resolution establishing the committee concerned and adopting its rules of procedure):

Investment Committee – the area of investment process management in PSE CG. The Committee is chaired by the Member of the Management Board supervising the investment area;

Standards Committee – the area of typification of technical solutions used in power transmission and distribution systems. The Committee is chaired by the Member of the Management Board supervising the technical and technological standards area;

Security Committee – the area of maintaining and enhancing physical, technical, personnel and legal security in the PSE Group, as well as ensuring the security and continuity of operations of the Critical Infrastructure Operator (hereinafter: security), where decisions that exceed the authority of the heads of PSE units are required and collegial decisions of the Management Board are not required. The Committee is chaired by the Member of the Management Board supervising the security area;

Data Governance Committee – the area of developing and overseeing data governance principles. The Committee is chaired by the Member of the Management Board supervising the ICT area;

Innovation Committee – the area related to performance adequacy and continuity of research and development projects. The Committee is chaired by the Member of the Management Board supervising the R&D area;

REMIT Committee – the area related to coordination of the implementation of obligations under the REMIT Regulation and implementing acts. The committee is chaired by the Member of the Management Board supervising the transmission area;

Network Codes Implementation Committee – the area of regular supervision and coordination of PSE’s activities involving the implementation of the rights and obligations arising from the Network Codes and Guidelines. The committee is chaired by the Member of the Management Board supervising the international cooperation area;

Social Activities Committee – the area of corporate social responsibility in the PSE Group, as well as the educational activities carried out, especially those aimed at local PSE stakeholders. The Committee is chaired by the Member of the Management Board supervising the investment area;

Cybersecurity Committee – the area of coordinating ICT security and cybersecurity in the PSE Group. The Committee is chaired by the Member of the Management Board supervising the ICT area;

Project Portfolio Committee – the area of building and managing an optimal set of initiatives and projects for the organisation to ensure the achievement of maximum business benefits within its execution capabilities. The Committee is chaired by the President of the Management Board;

The company also has two committees established within the structures of its specific business units: Department of System Management Committee and ICT Department Committee. The chairs of these committees are the respective Managing Directors. Both committees were established to coordinate and supervise the work and create policy and effectively integrate project activities with operations in the substantively relevant areas.

The Management Board manages the affairs of the company and represents it in any proceedings before the court, as well as in any out-of-court proceedings. Makes most decisions on matters of greater importance, exceeding the scope of ordinary activities. Some of such decisions require a positive opinion or approval of the Supervisory Board, and some also require the approval of the General Meeting.

As part of the Supervisory Board’s supervisory activities, information from the company’s key business areas, including economic, social and environmental impact, is periodically presented, e.g. information on key events in the company, the most significant investment tasks, the performance of management objectives and the implementation of the Strategy. The Supervisory Board reviews the materials and asks for additional clarification if necessary. The Supervisory Board is assisted in performing its tasks by the committees.

The company’s strategy, as a key document, is approved by the General Meeting after a positive opinion by the Supervisory Board. In adopting the 2020-2030 Strategy, the Management Board formulated challenges affecting the environment and climate action, the economy and the market, the social environment and workforce, such as:

  • transition cost – for proper participation in the transition, it is crucial to fairly allocate costs to individual users of the European electricity system,
  • climate neutrality – planning and managing the development of the transmission grid must take into account the multidimensional and multidisciplinary environment affecting the operation of the NPS,
  • social acceptance – out of concern for sustainable development and respect for social interests, PSE takes care to regulate the legal status of the land accommodating its own infrastructure,
  • generational change – creating an offer that meets the expectations of employees and, at the same time, secures the needs of the employer, for example with regard to the following:
    • managing multi-generational teams – diversity management policies should take into account increasingly diversified workforces, also in terms of age,
    • new technologies – making the working environment more flexible, offering employees a greater sense of freedom while increasing efficiency and ensuring communication free from traditional time and location constraints,
    • work-life balance – work should enable reconciliation of professional and private life, which can be done, for example, by providing flexible working hours or remote work.

The operationalisation of these challenges is done by setting specific goals, ensuring that the right business capabilities are in place, and indicating how achievement of the goals will be measured and evaluated.

The Supervisory Board Strategy Committee, established last year, plays a special role in this area. The members of the committee meet at least quarterly to review and discuss issues related to the PSE Strategy. The committee:

  • monitors the performance of the company’s business capabilities and directions, reviews plans and strategic concepts,
  • provides the Supervisory Board with opinions, conclusions and recommendations on matters related to the implementation of the current Strategy and the design of the new one.

Attention to sustainability is part of the areas of activity of many units in the company and determines the shape of most of the processes taking place in the company, with the Management Board being ultimately responsible for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The Management Board:

  • establishes structures and functions in the area of impact management, sets their tasks and powers,
  • accepts deliverables, statements and reports.

Functions and bodies established by the Management Board in the area of impact management:

Representative for Sustainable Development – a person responsible for the comprehensive implementation of sustainability principles throughout the organisation, as well as for the day-to-day supervision and reporting of the implementation of sustainability-related projects, tasks and activities.

In particular, the duties of the Sustainability Representative include:

  • participation in the development and updating of key documents for sustainable development;
  • analysing strategic projects for inclusion in sustainable development programmes and alternative solutions;
  • controlling the scope and quality of work performed by implementation teams;
  • reporting the progress of project work to heads of organisational units;
  • coordination/supervision of the implementation and execution of sustainable development (related key documents);
  • supervision of the reporting process for social responsibility activities.

Committee for Social Activities – a body appointed by the Management Board, performing the tasks defined in its rule of procedure. According to this document, the Committee carries out corporate social responsibility and educational activities in the geographical areas where the company operates in three strategic areas:

  • investment – supporting the investment projects implemented by the PSE, in order to increase their public acceptance,
  • operational – reinforcing acceptance of PSE operations in the vicinity of the grid infrastructure being operated,
  • strengthening good-neighbourly cooperation, building positive, lasting relations and recognition of the company among local stakeholders, i.e. residents, local authorities, their budgetary units and NGOs, including public benefit organisations.

The Committee is a consultative, advisory and decision-making body established to assist the Management Board’s activities in the areas of corporate social responsibility and education. These activities specifically include:

  • undertaking sponsorship cooperation with third parties – in particular with non-governmental organisations performing activities of a social and charitable nature, local governments and their budgetary units, healthcare institutions, rescue and firefighting services (and others serving broadly-defined security and improvement of the conditions for the functioning of the social infrastructure) and obtaining, in exchange for the in-kind or financial support provided, established sponsorship benefits that will influence the building of a positive image of PSE among local stakeholder groups,
  • granting support to entities in the form of in-kind and financial donations,
  • initiating and supervising educational campaigns among residents from the areas where PSE operates – recipients of investments and the electricity infrastructure in operation (residents, local authorities, non-governmental organisations) – regarding the tasks, role, mission and goals of PSE as the national electricity transmission system operator.

The Committee prepares a document called the “Operational and Financial Plan”, which includes a description and directions of the Committee’s activities for the respective calendar year. The Committee’s Operational and Financial Plan and its update are approved by the Management Board by resolution.

At least every 6 months, reports on the committee’s activities are prepared for the Management Board, together with a desirability analysis. Every two months, the Supervisory Board receives a report on the committee’s activities (the report is not subject to the Supervisory Board’s opinion). In 2023, the Committee dealt with 1015 cases, including community projects under the Strengthen Your Neighbourhood programme.

Representative for Integrated Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management System – a person who, under the authority of the Management Board, supervises the operation of the ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 management system, responsible in particular for:

  • preparation of proposals for the goals and objectives of the Integrated Management System (IMS),
  • preparation of proposals for a list of environmental aspects,
  • supervision of the implementation of approved goals and objectives,
  • supervision of HSE monitoring carried out by unit managers,
  • managing the performance of internal audits of the integrated system,
  • supervision of the conduct by units of periodic assessments of compliance with legal and other environmental and health and safety requirements,
  • preparation of management process review,
  • informing Management Board Members about the functioning of the system, including the achievement of goals and objectives and the results of environmental monitoring.

The performance of the system-related objectives is carried out through activities resulting from normative documents adopted in the company, including detailed organisational rules of procedure of units, procedures, instructions and orders. It is monitored by the Representative and evaluated by the Management Board as part of a management review at least once a year.

In the IMS area, a special role is played by the President of the Management Board, who supervises the Representative and approves:

  • a list of environmental aspects,
  • goals and objectives of the system,
  • schedules for environmental checks and health and safety inspections,
  • findings from management reviews conducted.

Other members are responsible, in their area of supervision, for motivating employees and associates to contribute to the system.

Compliance Representative is an independent and autonomous position, reporting directly to the President of the Management Board. The position is responsible for the implementation of the Compliance Policy at PSE. In particular, its key activities include taking care of:

  • meeting the requirements that PSE must comply with on a mandatory basis and those it has decided to comply with voluntarily, arising from generally applicable laws, internal regulations and PSE ethics rules;
  • compliance with competition rules and antitrust laws. The task of Compliance is to implement mechanisms to prevent PSE from abusing its monopoly position through, for example, discriminatory treatment of contracting parties, imposing onerous contract terms on contractors, or making it difficult for customers to assert their rights;
  • transparent relations with counterparties. A transparent procedure is ensured by relevant internal regulations, such as those on procurement, connection to the transmission grid and contracting. The PSE Code of Conduct for PSE Business Partners plays an important role at PSE. This document is a set of basic principles that PSE follows in its business activities and that our organisation expects our business partners to follow;
  • following the principles of ethics. PSE conducts electricity transmission activities and performs TSO tasks based on the principles of responsibility, safety, cooperation, professionalism, transparency and respect for external stakeholders and employees (specified in the PSE Code of Ethics and relevant internal regulations in the area of human resources management);
  • countering bullying, discrimination and violation of labour rights. At PSE, we respect each other and take care of a friendly working environment for everyone. Each employee is personally responsible for applying the ethical principles of the PSE Code of Ethics and the PSE Personnel Policy, as well as other internal regulations. Employees of our organisation should be characterised by mutual assistance, acceptance of different views and beliefs, providing constructive and facts-based criticism only, and mutual respect within the team and throughout the organisation.

Anti-Corruption Representative supervises the functioning of the anti-corruption system under the authority of the Management Board. The responsibilities of the Representative include in particular:

  • performance the Company’s Anti-Corruption Policy,
  • identification, analysis and assessment of corruption risks,
  • assessing the effectiveness of mechanisms to reduce the causes and consequences of corruption,
  • employee training to eliminate corruption risks,
  • raising employee awareness and working with employees to address corruption risks,
  • ensuring that any person who acts in good faith is able to provide information about a corruption risk in a manner that guarantees anonymity,
    managing the risk of corruption slander.

The form of approval of the sole shareholder of the company for the activities of the Management Board is a vote of approval. It confirms that the Management Board acts in accordance with the law and in the interests of the company. The vote of approval is granted after the end of the financial year, separately for each member of the Management Board. The manner of performing the Management Board members’ functions in 2023 and the related actions taken were approved by the General Meeting. The vote of approval was given to all members of the Management Board.

Remuneration rules are set forth in the PSE Corporate Collective Labour Agreement (CCLA) negotiated between the employer and the union side. Increases in base salaries are implemented based on an analysis of market data and require approval of the Management Board each time.

Fixed and variable remuneration, including performance-based remuneration

Management Board

Several factors determine the remuneration of members of the Management Board as well as the remuneration of the Supervisory Board members. In setting the remuneration, the General Meeting, as the owner, is subject to the legal regime currently set forth in the Act of 9 June 2016 on the rules determining the remuneration of persons managing certain companies. According to the aforementioned Act, the General Meeting should aim at determining the rules regarding the remuneration of Management Board and Supervisory Board members. These rules apply by virtue of a resolution of the company’s General Meeting. With regard to the Management Board, the resolution distinguishes between two types of remuneration: a maximum fixed remuneration paid monthly, and a variable remuneration that depends on the extent to which management objectives are achieved. Management objectives are set annually and address various areas of the company’s operations, including managing economic, environmental and human impacts. The process of verifying the achievement of specific objectives is cascaded. The Management Board prepares a report on the achievement of objectives after evaluating the company’s activities on the basis of publicly available reports and after the members are granted discharge by the General Meeting. The report is then reviewed by the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board verifies the fulfilment of the conditions for awarding variable remuneration and determines the amount due, and then the General Meeting approves and awards the remuneration.

Senior executives

Fixed remuneration is determined in accordance with the tariff contained in the PSE Corporate Collective Labour Agreement (CCLA) and determined based on an analysis of market salaries. Semi-annual bonuses are awarded based on the evaluation of the achievement of goals and objectives in accordance with the provisions set forth in employment contracts. In addition, executives receive, among other things, subsidised energy costs, subsidised prepaid cards on the Energy Worker’s Day and Christmas, subsidised meals, and subsidised medical care.

Severance payments

Management Board – termination severance payment in the event of contract termination is due in the event of termination of the contract for reasons other than: material breach of contractual obligations, resignation of the Manager, appointment of the Manager to the governing body of any PSE Group company prior to or simultaneous with the dismissal from the Management Board. The Manager is entitled to a severance payment of three times their fixed remuneration, provided that they have served on the company’s Board of Directors for at least 12 months prior to the date of termination.

Senior executives – retirement allowance payment as specified in the CCBA, in an amount based on the length of service – in the event of termination of employment on the date on which the employee becomes eligible for retirement, or in accordance with the Labour Code – if they retire after that date. Severance payments resulting from termination of employment are paid in accordance with the Labour Code.

Retirement benefits

Senior executives – the opportunity to join an Employee Pension Plan (EPP) after one year of service, and in connection with the termination of the employment contract upon retirement, a retirement severance payment as specified in the CCBA, in an amount depending on the length of service – in the event of termination of employment on the date when the employee becomes eligible for retirement, or in accordance with the Labour Code – if they retire after that date, and compensation for the loss of energy cost subsidies.

The ratio of total annual remuneration for 2023 of the organisation’s best-paid person to the median of total annual remuneration for all employees (excluding the best-paid person) is 8.70 including employees hired under the employment contract along with the contracted Management Board.

The ratio of total annual remuneration for 2023 of the organisation’s best-paid person to the median of total annual remuneration for all employees (excluding the best-paid person) is 4.44 including employees hired under the employment contract (excluding the contracted Management Board).

The ratio of the percentage increase in total annual remuneration for 2023 of the organisation’s best-paid person to the median of the percentage increase in total annual remuneration for all employees (excluding the best-paid person) is 1.13 including employees hired under the employment contract along with the contracted Management Board.

The ratio of the percentage increase in total annual remuneration for 2023 of the organisation’s best-paid person to the median of the percentage increase in annual total remuneration for all employees (excluding the best-paid person) is 0.69 including employees hired under the employment contract (excluding the contracted Management Board).

The calculations included the total income of employees in two options, including and excluding the Management Board.

Keeping in mind the legal requirements and responsibilities incumbent on us as the TSO, combined with the sustainable development goals and the implementation of the EU directives on non-financial reporting, our organisation has assumed a number of obligations.

In addition to the Business Strategy, our company’s regulatory map consists of policies, rules and numerous operational documents: procedures, instructions and rules of procedure.

The Management Board expresses declarations about the company’s intentions and directions in documents called policies. Some of them are an integral part of the certified management systems implemented at PSE. The declarations promulgated in the policies are at the same time a promise to provide adequate resources, means, and improve processes aimed at implementing the commitments made.

PSE’s key operational regulations and main ESG areas:

The regulations adopted by our organisation obligate us, among other things, to:

  • maintain an appropriate level of energy security in a socially and environmentally responsible manner,
  • gain community favour for investment projects so that they can be implemented with the acceptance of local communities,
  • provide employees with opportunities for professional development and build a corporate culture based on accepted values,
  • monitor the working environment in terms of occupational safety and concern for the natural environment,
  • develop and retrofit the grid infrastructure in such a manner as to ensure work safety, preservation of landscape, protected areas and areas of particular natural value,
  • employee compliance with ethics and applicable regulations,
  • respect for good customs and practices accepted in communities,
  • striving to build partnerships with local communities.

In implementing its commitments, the Management Board is supported by committees, area representatives and commissions.

Ownership structure of the company

The PSE Capital Group was established to perform tasks under the Programme for the Power Sector adopted by the Council of Ministers on 28 March 2006. The Programme provided for the endowment of the transmission system operator with transmission assets, and with tools for the maintenance, operation and expansion and expansion of the assets in the form of special purpose vehicles (SPVs). Currently, the PSE Group consists of PSE S.A. and two subsidiaries: PSE Inwestycje S.A. and PSE Innowacje Sp. z o.o., in which PSE S.A. holds 100 percent of the share capital.

PSE is also linked by equity to two foreign-owned undertakings: Joint Allocation Office S.A. and TSCNET Services GmbH.

PSE Inwestycje

Due to organisational changes in the structure of PSE S.A., the Extraordinary General Meeting of PSE Inwestycje S.A. passed a resolution on 8 October 2018 to suspend the company’s operations. The suspension of PSE Inwestycje S.A.’s operations was in effect until 24 September 2023. As of 25 September 2023, the company resumed business operations under a resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting. A new main business goal was defined for the company: to have execution capabilities and perform selected specialised tasks for PSE S.A., particularly in the field of installation of secondary and primary circuits, start-up work and operation and maintenance work. Until the end of 2023, preparatory activities were carried out to achieve business objectives.

As a result of the work carried out, the market environment was also analysed and it was determined that the achievement of the business objective defined by the aforementioned resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of PSE Inwestycje S.A. is subject to a number of risks, the materialisation of which may lead to the failure of a planned project and cause adverse effects of a financial, organisational and reputational nature both for PSE Inwestycje S.A. and for the Owner, i.e. PSE S.A. Accordingly, in May 2024, the Extraordinary General Meeting of PSE Inwestycje S.A. again decided to suspend the company’s operations.

PSE Innowacje

The company provides consulting services which involve analyses, research, new technologies and IT solutions in the power sector. As part of the above, it performs the following tasks for PSE S.A.:

  • development of new IT systems,
  • development and modernisation of existing IT systems,
  • research and development,
  • ongoing analysis and research, including technical and economic analysis for development planning,
  • providing training to TSO Operating services.


Joint Allocation Office S.A., based in Luxembourg, is a service company operating the European Trading Platform (e-CAT) for cross-border transmission capacity. Currently, JAO is owned by 25 transmission system operators from 22 countries. On behalf of the operators, it conducts auctions of long- and short-term capacity rights at all internal EU borders and day-ahead reserve capacity allocation. It also handles the settlement of day-ahead congestion income for the borders with Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Sweden, and provides invoicing services for the following inter-TSO processes: FSKar, IGCC and conducts the settlement process for balancing energy exchange platforms. JAO also conducts daily auctions for UA borders with Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. PSE holds a 4% share in JAO.


Since 1 July 2022, TSCNET Services GmbH, based in Munich, Germany, has served as the Regional Coordination Centre. The company is owned by 16 TSOs from 12 countries. It provides services for TSOs to maintain operational security of the power system, including but not limited to coordinated capacity calculation, preparation of security analyses, creation of common grid models, and development of system adequacy forecasts at the regional level. PSE holds a 6.25% share in TSCNET.

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