We implement all investment projects in a manner that allows key threats to nature to be minimised and the risk of biodiversity loss to be avoided. As early as the line route and substation location planning stage, we take care to ensure that our infrastructure interferes as little as possible with areas of high natural value.

In subsequent phases of project implementation, we analyse technical and technological options for minimising impacts related to the implementation and subsequent operation of grid facilities. In the case of completed projects for which the environmental monitoring obligation has been prescribed in environmental decisions, we focus on performing such monitoring and analysing the results obtained. This allows us to assess whether the measures we take are effective, and thus whether we have managed to minimise the negative impact on the natural environment. Unavoidable consequences of our investments include a loss of a part of habitats due to tree clearing in the operational right-of-way of the line, such as in forest areas. By using “over-forest” or “forest” tower technology, we manage to significantly reduce the extent of tree clearing – sometimes to tower locations only. A “forest” tower is a pylon which together with V-shaped insulator strings allows wires to be suspended closer to the tower structure, thereby reducing the line width, which translates into removing fewer trees. By contrast, with the use of “over-forest” towers, the line conductors are suspended above the treetops. At the project implementation and operation stages, we endeavour ensure that tree clearing work is carried out in the line right-of-way in such a manner as to limit its environmental impact. The work is carried out outside the breeding season, and if necessary - under the supervision of naturalists, in particular ornithologists or chiropterologists.

As a consequence of EHV line construction, some habitats are destroyed. This is due to the transformation of the land where they occurred. However, it should be kept in mind that new habitats are created in place of old ones as a result of other plant and animal species colonising the area. Due to the removal of undergrowth under an EHV line, there are more plants typical of open areas and the quantity of insects providing a food base for birds increases. One example of this is the redevelopment of the Kozienice-Miłosna line, where it was necessary to carry out the necessary clearing of trees on which protected lichens grew, and in the course of which, the demolition of line support structures (towers) were on which there were bird nests was carried out outside the bird breeding season. The above-mentioned activities caused short-term environmental impacts, as new towers were installed in place of the dismantled ones, which are highly likely to be subject to colonised by birds, as is the occurrence of protected lichen species in the new habitat in the future.

Replacement plantings were carried out in 2023 in connection with tree clearing as part of the construction of the 400 kV Baczyna-Plewiska line and the construction of the Gdańsk Przyjaźń substation with the infeed connection of one circuit of the 400 kV Gdańsk Błonia–Żarnowiec line, which was subjected monitoring of planting process. In the case of the investment task for the construction of the Gdańsk Przyjaźń substation, natural habitat 9110 (acidic beech forest) and natural habitat 9130 (fertile beech forest) were restored with the participation of a phytosociologist. The restoration of the above habitats was carried out in consultation with the Kolbudy, Bytow, Dretyń, Lipusz and Warcino Forest Districts. In the case of the Baczyna-Plewiska line, the loss of shrubs within the rows constituting bat migration routes, caused by the project works was restored by planting native shrub species such as Hawthorn(Crataegus). As part of the construction of the Baczyna-Plewiska line, nesting platforms for large birds of prey were also installed on top of the 400 kV line towers.

With a view to protecting the biodiversity and abundance of birds found in the areas where power lines are located, warning markers or bird flight diverter spirals are installed on the conductors of these lines. This reduces their mortality by reducing the number of collisions between birds and line wires. As part of the activities carried out in 2023 on the Ostrołęka-Stanisławów and Kozienice-Miłosna lines, diverter spirals or swinging firefly diverters were installed on the wires of these lines. 

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