Impact of activities, products and services on biodiversity
Construction of the Jasiniec-Grudziądz power line
Liquidation of habitats under the investment project
The bird species include common redstart, pied flycatcher, blue tit, nuthatch, black redstart. |
Operational right-of way area along the power line
By clearing trees in the right-of-way of the line, the company has a continuous impact.
Environmental decision issued by GDEP, ref. No. DOOŚ-oaI.4202.7.2017.ADK.AB.4) of 26 November 2018
Installation of markers, bird diverter spirals (refers to the 400 kV Kozienice-Miłosna line)
Birds |
Hawk, sparrowhawk, buzzard, hobby, kestrel, marsh harrier, oystercatcher, fisher, redshank, little ringed plover, little ringed plover, screech owl, lapwing, snipe, sandpiper, tern, gull, mute swan, greylag goose, white-fronted goose, bean goose, partridge goose, white-fronted goose, mallard, marmot, garganey, gannet, goldeneye, tufted duck, pochard, crane, sparrow; thrush, starling, tit, linnet, chaffinch. |
Dolina Mieni [Mienia Valey] (Warsaw Protected Landscape Area) in the section between the towers: 7_WIA-12_WIA; Dolina Świdra [Świder Valley] with the nearby waster sorting plant in the section between the towers: 27_WIA-32_WIA; Natura 2000 area Bagno Całowane [Całowane Marsh] in the section between the towers: 22_CEL-3_KAR; Natura 2000 area Bagno Całowane in the section between the towers: 3_KAR-24_SOB: Natura 2000 area Dolina Środkowej Wisły [Middle Vistula Valley] in the section between the towers 13_WIL-3_MAG; Natura 2000 area Dolina Policy [Pilica Valley] in the section between the towers 3_MAG-15_MAG; Radomka valley and the neighbouring fragment of the Vistula valley in the section between the towers 3_KOZ–39_MAG.
since 2022
Yes |
Environmental decision, ref. No. WOOŚ - II.420.2019.PKP.33 of 25 January 2021
Destruction of protected lichen individuals (refers to the 400 kV Kozienice-Miłosna line)
Indirect |
Widely distributed protected or red-listed species (goldfinch, piping kestrel, bright goldfinch). |
A small part of the habitat of the local population, removed after the derogation decision.
Short-term impact related to necessary tree clearing.
Yes, after the operation of the line is discontinued, suitable habitats for the species in question may form there. |
Derogation decision
Destruction of bird nests (refers to the 400 kV Kozienice-Miłosna line)
Indirect |
Widely distributed protected species (raven, grey crow, kestrel, hobby). |
A small part of the habitat of the local population, removed after the derogation decision.
Short-term impact related to necessary dismantling of towers on which birds were nesting. The activities were carried out under the supervision of an ornithologist, outside the breeding season, without exposing the birds to breeding losses.
Yes, during the operation of the line, birds can populate the newly erected towers. |
Derogation decision
Restoration of biodiversity in disturbed areas in connection with the implementation of the project, which includes maintenance are of suspended nest boxes for birds and maintenance of bat boxes totalling 65 pcs. Refers to 400 kV Żarnowiec-Gdańsk Błonia entry to the Gdańsk Przyjaźń substation.
Restoration of avifauna and chiropterofauna biodiversity following the clearing of trees in earlier years. |
Bird and bat species characteristic of habitat 9110 acidic beech forest and species characteristic of habitat 9130 fertile beech forest. |
Habitat 9110 and habitat 9130 removed for the establishment of a power line right-of-way.
One-time clearing of trees and shrubs only as part of an ongoing project.
Yes |
Environmental decision issued by the General Director for Environmental Protection of 26 November 2020, ref. No. DOOŚ-WDŚ/ZIL.420.89.2019.EO/EU/KM.9
6 |
Monitoring of replacement plantings including annual inspection of plantings for a period of 5 years from the planting date. Replacement of dead tree seedlings by making new plantings.
Refers to the construction of the 400 kV Ełk Bis - Polish Border line.
Loss of nesting habitats through conversion due to tree and shrub clearing. |
Chiropterofauna, avifauna. |
Tree clearing locations along the route of the Elk - Polish border line under construction. |
From 2015 |
Yes (in the case of line dismantling) |
Decision of the General Director for Environmental Protection in Warsaw, ref. No. DOOŚ-OAI.4202.3.2013.AŁ.7 |
7 |
In the line sections where diverters were installed (9 sections), avifauna monitoring was carried out as part of the five-year monitoring of birds for mortality due to collisions with the line and to confirm the effectiveness of the solutions used to reduce this impact.
Refers to the 400 kV Ostrołęka - Olsztyn Mątki line.
Countering bird mortality by monitoring it and evaluating the effectiveness of measures applied to minimise mortality risks. |
Birds of passage |
Inline sections: Section I - 8 spans (1LE-8LE) (845-338) Section II 82 spans (31LE-17CZ) (315-235) Section III 6 spans (28WI-34WI) (196-190) Section IV 9 spans (15SZ-24SZ) (163-172) Section V 10 spans (21DZ-31DZ) (121-111) Section VI 5 spans (35DZ-40DZ) (107-102) Section VII 1 span (200L-1DY) (25-24) Section VIII 1 span (3DY-210L) (22-21) Section IXP 24 spans (4WI-28WI) (220-196). |
Since 2018 |
Yes, in the case of line dismantling |
Decision of the General Director for Environmental Protection in Warsaw of 27 October 2016 (ref. No. DOOŚ OAII.4202.2.2015.aj.16 Final report on the monitoring of bird mortality on the site of the project involving the construction of the double circuit 400 kV Ostrołęka - Olsztyn Mątki line, December 2018 - November 2023; Ostrołęka, January 2024. |
8 |
Installation of large spiral divertors in bright colours spaced at no more than 40 m intervals and in an alternating pattern on one and the other conductor wire, in order to increase the overall visibility of the conductors, obtaining a view from the line side at 20 m intervals.
Refers to the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line.
Addressing bird mortality by increasing the visibility of potentially colliding elements. |
Avifauna (birds) |
In the following sections: km 0+000 - 1+952, km 6+850 - 8+367, km 18+027 - 18+866, km 31+937 -33+261, km 35+000 - 61+600 of the WB option and in the sections: km 0+000 - 5+000, km 9+779 - 10+798, km 16+000 - 17+500, km 18+906 - 20+670 of the W2 option |
Until the end of the service life of the 400 kV line |
Yes |
Environmental decision issued by the General Director for Environmental Protection of 30 August 2021, ref. No. WOOŚ-II.420.117.2020.JK.27, amended by Decision of the General Director for Environmental Protection of 8 May 2023, ref. No. DOOŚ-WDŚZIL.420.34.2021.KM.SO |
9 |
Installation of markers (swinging firefly diverters) characterised by higher visibility in low-light conditions. These diverters were suspended at 10 metre intervals, alternating with the diverters suspended on the adjacent conductor to achieve a visual, apparent effect of the diverters being suspended at 5 metre intervals.
Refers to the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line.
Addressing bird mortality by increasing the visibility of potentially colliding elements. |
Awifauna |
In the sections: km 35+000 - 61+600 called WB (from Wyszków to Ostrołęka), km 0+000 - 5+000 and km 16+000 -17+500 for the section called W2 (from Wyszków to Stanisławów) |
During the service life of the 400 kV line |
Yes |
Environmental decision issued by the General Director for Environmental Protection of 30 August 2021, ref. No. WOOŚ-II.420.117.2020.JK.27, amended by Decision of the General Director for Environmental Protection of 8 May 2023, ref. No. DOOŚ-WDŚZIL.420.34.2021.KM.SO |
10 |
In order to minimise losses in the form of lost breeding sites for hollow-nesting birds, a total of 521 nesting boxes for ornithofauna were installed prior to tree clearing.
The bird boxes were hung under the supervision of an expert ornithologist at the designated locations. All bird nesting boxes installed will undergo annual, one-time cleaning, necessary repairs and maintenance for a period of 10 years from the date of their installation.
Refers to the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line.
Compensation of lost habitat for hollow-nesting birds |
Great tit (Parus major), Eurasian blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus), marsh tit (Poecile palustris), willow tit (Poecile montanus), coal tit (Perioparus ater), common redstart (Phoenicarius phoenicarius), European pied flycatcher (Ficedula Hypoleuca), Eurasian nuthatch (Sitta Europea), starling (Sturnus vulgaris), Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops) |
In the Forest Districts: Minsk, Drewnica, Łochów and Wyszków.
Since 2023 |
Yes |
Environmental Decision issued by the Regional Director for Environmental Protection of 30 August 2021, ref. No. WOOŚ-II.420.117.2020.JK.27, amended by Environmental Decision of the General Director for Environmental Protection of 8 May 2023, ref. No. DOOŚ-WDŚZIL.420.34.2021.KM.SO, installation certificate for the boxes. |
11 |
Due to the loss of bat (chiropterofauna) habitat caused by tree clearing, 154 Stratmann breeding boxes were hung at locations agreed with the State Forests and under the supervision of a chiropterologist. All the boxes were installed before the clearing of trees. They will undergo annual, one-time cleaning, necessary repairs and maintenance for a period of 10 years from the date of their installation.
Refers to the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line.
Compensation of lost habitat for bats |
Chiropterofauna (bats) |
In the Forest Districts: Mińsk, Drewnica, Łochów and Wyszków as per the Appendix – installation certificate for the boxes. |
Since 2023 |
Yes |
Environmental Decision issued by the Regional Director for Environmental Protection of 30 August 2021, ref. No. WOOŚ-II.420.117.2020.JK.27, amended by Decision of the General Director for Environmental Protection of 8 May 2023, ref. No. DOOŚ-WDŚZIL.420.34.2021.KM.SO, installation certificate for the boxes. |
12 |
Clearing of trees and shrubs outside the bird breeding season, i.e. from 1 March to 31 August
Refers to the 400 kV Baczyna - Plewiska line.
Addressing bird mortality by conducting work outside the bird breeding season. |
Awifauna |
Line sections in areas affected by the clearing of trees and shrubs. |
Construction stage - tree clearing |
No |
Environmental Decision issued by the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Gorzów Wielkopolski of 29 July 2020, ref. No. WZŚ.420.20.2020.AJ |
13 |
Removal of hollow trees outside the breeding season during the months of September-October.
Refers to the 400 kV Baczyna - Plewiska line.
Addressing bird mortality by conducting work outside the bird breeding season.
Awifauna |
Line sections in areas affected by the clearing of trees and shrubs. |
One-time clearing of trees and shrubs only as part of an ongoing project. |
No |
Environmental Decision issued by the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Gorzów Wielkopolski of 29 July 2020, ref. No. WZŚ.420.20.2020.AJ |
14 |
Conducting construction works between 31 August and 15 March in the section where an active osprey nest is located.
Refers to the 400 kV Baczyna - Plewiska line.
Addressing bird mortality by conducting work outside the bird breeding season. |
Awifauna |
In the section between towers Ps11-Ps21 |
Construction stage |
Yes |
Environmental Decision issued by the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Gorzów Wielkopolski of 29 July 2020, ref. No. WZŚ.420.20.2020.AJ |
15 |
Marking and fencing in a visible way, at the project implementation stage, inventoried natural habitats and sites of protected species of plants and fungi, occurring in the vicinity of the site.
Refers to the 400 kV Baczyna - Plewiska line.
Preventing the destruction of valuable and protected natural habitats by marking and fencing them off for the duration of the works. |
Vegetation – habitats |
Sections of the line within sites where valuable protected habitats have been inventoried. |
Construction stage |
Yes |
Environmental Decision issued by the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Gorzów Wielkopolski of 29 July 2020, ref. No. WZŚ.420.20.2020.AJ |
16 |
Installing, in an alternating layout, diverter spirals of the “large” type in a colour visible to birds, on ground wires.
Refers to the 400 kV Baczyna - Plewiska line.
Addressing bird mortality by increasing the visibility of elements posing a potential threat to birds. |
Awifauna |
In the sections between the towers: Lu1-Bo10, Bo15-De10, Bl12-Bl28, Mz10-Ps24, Lw19-Du3, Bu10-Do3 |
During the service life of the 400 kV line |
Yes |
Environmental Decision issued by the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Gorzów Wielkopolski of 29 July 2020, ref. No. WZŚ.420.20.2020.AJ |
17 |
Restoration of lost shrubs within rows constituting migration routes of bats between towers, by planting native shrub species, growing to a height of about 3 m. Species - Hawthorn (Crataegus).
Refers to the 400 kV Baczyna - Plewiska line.
Restoration of bat migration routes |
Chiropterofauna (bats) |
Between the towers: Bl28-Bl29, Ku10-Ku11, Ku8-Ku9, Bu23-Bu24 |
During the service life of the 400 kV line |
Yes |
Environmental Decision issued by the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Gorzów Wielkopolski of 29 July 2020, ref. No. WZŚ.420.20.2020.AJ |
18 |
Installation of artificial nesting platforms for large birds of prey, on top of 400 kV line towers.
Refers to the 400 kV Baczyna - Plewiska line.
Compensation of lost habitats and breeding sites for birds. |
Ornithofauna (birds) |
Towers: De1, De24 and Ps1 |
During the service life of the 400 kV line |
Yes |
Environmental Decision issued by the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Gorzów Wielkopolski of 29 July 2020, ref. No. WZŚ.420.20.2020.AJ |