ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND CLIMATE ACTIONSCharacteristics of monitoring conducted as exemplified by a line

Characteristics of monitoring conducted as exemplified by a line

In connection with the construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Olsztyn Mątki power line, the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Olsztyn imposed an obligation on the investor to carry out a five-year post-investment monitoring of the impact of the line on avifauna covering a section of no less than 10 km. Overall, the monitoring in question lasted from December 2018 to November 2023, and sections of the line running through various habitats, with a total length of about 58 kilometres, were covered by the study. 

In 2023, the contractor conducted post-implementation monitoring involving bird mortality surveys in the designated nine sections, where 33 inspections were performed between January and November 2023. The inspections consisted of searching a 200-metre-wide strip (100 metres either side of the centreline of the line) running along the line for identification of dead individuals, injured individuals or clusters of feathers. A total of 523 bird remains were found in 2023 in the surveyed sections. Most dead birds were found during spring and autumn migration. The results obtained were compared with those obtained in studies conducted for sections where diverters were not installed. Similar results were obtained, confirming the effectiveness of the diverters used, bearing in mind that they were installed on sections of the line passing through bird migration routes, where the risk of collisions at those locations was much higher than for reference sections without diverters. 

As part of compensation measures in connection with the construction of the 400 kV Ostrołęka-Stanisławów line, in order to minimise losses in the form of lost breeding sites of hollow-nesting birds and bats, various types of nest boxes for birds were installed totalling 521 pieces as well 154 boxes for bats. Both types of boxes were subjected to annual cleaning and underwent necessary repairs and maintenance.

In connection with the construction of the 400 kV Baczyna-Plewiska line in 2023, the cleaning of 65 bird boxes and bat boxes continued in order to keep the boxes populated during subsequent bird and bat breeding periods. 

Responsibility towards the natural environment at the operational stage

Sites of the smooth snake have been discovered in areas adjacent to the 400/220/110 kV Kozienice substation and the Kozienice Power Plant. Two years’ observations showed that smooth snakes occurring in the area form a reproductive population existing here for many years. In order to preserve the local population of this snake species, PSE signed a four-party agreement on the protection of the smooth snake – a rare, protected species of snake in the family Colubridae. The parties to the agreement are: Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o., Kozienice Forest District Authority and the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Warsaw. 

As a result, all activities carried out within the so-called sensitive sites, related to tree clearing in the right-of-way of the line, are carried out manually, without the use of heavy equipment, leaving vegetation at least 20cm high. The cooperative model developed for providing information and dealing with emergencies makes it possible to adequately maintain the smooth snake’s habitat and protect its population and sets an example that human activity can have a good impact on the environment. 

Osprey protection

PSE, together with the State Forests, continued measures to protect the osprey (Pandion haliaetus). Through the cooperation, 13 special platforms were installed on which birds can build their nests. The project contributes to increasing the breeding area of the osprey (Pandion haliaetus), which should have a direct impact on increasing the population of this species.

The osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is one of the rarest birds of prey in Poland and is under strict protection. The installation of osprey platforms on electricity towers is a good and proven practice complementary to tree-mounted platforms. It is also used in Germany, where about one third of the osprey population nest on high-voltage towers. With nests protected this way, birds are more likely to settle in.

The construction of osprey nesting platforms is a continuation of activities initiated by PSE in 2014. More platforms were provided in 2021-2022.

In 2021, they were installed on the Krajnik-Glinki, Morzyczyn-Compartment and Krajnik-Vierraden EHV lines. In 2022, four osprey platforms were installed in the course of construction of the Baczyna-Krajnik line. Since the start of the project, 13 platforms have been successfully installed on electricity towers.

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