IMPACT ON SOCIETY AND EMPLOYEESDevelopment of regions and local communities

Key figures(as at the end of 2023)

Investment in regional development

Stable electricity supply, which is an outcome of PSE’s investments, helps a number of services to be provided which are vital to regions and local communities. Our public purpose infrastructure projects, including the construction of power substations and extra-high voltage lines, significantly improve living standards across all regions of the country. 

Benefits of infrastructure investments:

  • ensuring energy security and energy supply to the region by increasing the availability of electricity, 

  • reducing the risk of failure by replacing end-of-life systems with ones of modern design,

  • increasing the region’s investment attractiveness by providing suitable conditions for enterprises to locate and develop business, creating new jobs and generating tax revenue for commune budgets,
  • reducing electricity losses and consequently also its costs by increasing the voltage of transmission grids and using high-quality materials for their construction,
  • significant budget revenue from taxes paid to communes – each year, a commune receives property tax revenue of 2 percent of the value of the investment projects completed in its territory,
  • development of local businesses – employing local companies as subcontractors, 
  • boosting the modernisation and development of the local electricity distribution infrastructure,
  • increasing connection capabilities for local energy generation sources, in particular for RES,
  • creating conditions for a further dynamic development of electromobility.

Rys. 1. Etapy procesu inwestycyjnego dla budowy linii najwyższych napięć

At each stage of the investment process, PSE engages in a dialogue with the local community to identify the optimum location of planned projects. 
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