The Transmission Grid Development Plan (TGDP) defines transmission grid development projects, the implementation of which is expected to ensure that the national demand for capacity and electricity is met in the long term. The main factors influencing the directions of the transmission grid development include: the increase in electricity demand, the development of generation sources, and the need to increase the usage of cross-border connections.
The TGDP for 2023–2032 includes the first technological revolution in line with patterns from highly developed power systems with a large share of RES in the generation mix. This refers to the construction of an HVDC line connecting two clearly defined areas of Poland – north and south. The objective of this project is to enable the transmission of energy from onshore and offshore wind sources from the north of the country to industrial facilities located in southern Poland. . The alternative to this project – involving significant and costly limitations – would be the expansion of the 400 kV network.
The TGDP for 2023–2032 was developed on the basis of several years of experience in applying innovative technical and economic analyses, including probabilistic methods, to the transmission grid investment planning. In developing it, the methods and calculation tools developed in the previous edition of the TGDP were used. Outlining a set of investment projects in the grid was preceded by a fundamental analysis of the scenarios of development of the environment and the interior of the power system in order to select projects contributing to the security of power supply under all conditions.
The projects presented in the TGDP for 2023–2032 are intended to support the following:
- the commitments of the Republic of Poland to achieve the national target for the share of energy from RES in final energy consumption,
- the government's plan to build offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea,
- the government's plan to build nuclear capacity,
- the connection of new generating units in accordance with the results of the 2023–26 capacity market auction,
- improvement of power supply conditions, including minimalization of congestion in the entire system – particularly in the context of the planned construction of renewable (wind) sources in northern Poland – both off and on the shore.
In preparing the 2023–2032 TGDP, legal conditions resulting from the following were taken into consideration:
- concept of spatial development of the country,
- voivodeship spatial development plans,
- Poland's Energy Policy,
- ENTSO-E TYNDP 10-year development plan,
- performance of connection agreements and specified conditions for connection to the transmission grid,
- performance of other obligations, including arrangements with the DSO,
- EU regulations.
Podstawą sporządzenia PRSP 2023-2032 były uwarunkowania określone w Polityce energetycznej Polski do 2040 r. (zatwierdzona przez Radę Ministrów 2 lutego 2021 r.), a także w Krajowym Planie na Rzecz Energii i Klimatu na lata 2021-2030 (KPEiK) i Programie polskiej energetyki jądrowej (PPEJ). Założenia z nich wynikające zostały uzupełnione o aktualny stan wiedzy naszej organizacji na temat możliwych kierunków przyszłych zmian w sektorze elektroenergetycznym. W ocenie PSE, uzupełnienia te pozostają spójne z kierunkami określonymi w wymienionych dokumentach, zakładających, że w KSE w najbliższych kilkudziesięciu latach dokonają się istotne zmiany strukturalne.