ECONOMIC AND MARKET IMPACTDevelopment of the transmission system

The basis for the sustainable development of the national economy is to provide the necessary amount of electricity to all consumers. We are committed to ensuring that the transmission system provides reliable electricity supply both now and in the future.

The Transmission Grid Development Plan (TGDP) defines the transmission grid development projects, the implementation of which is expected to ensure that the national demand for capacity and electricity is met in the long term. The main factors influencing the directions of transmission grid development include the increase in electricity demand, the development of generating sources and the need to increase the usage of cross-border interconnections.

The draft TGDP 2025-2034 continues the first major technological revolution initiated in the TGDP 2023-2032 in line with patterns from highly developed power systems with a large share of RES in the generation mix. This refers to the construction of an HVDC line connecting two clearly defined areas of Poland – north and south. The objective of this project is to enable the transmission of energy from onshore and offshore wind sources from the north of the country to industrial regions in the south of Poland. The alternative to this project – involving significant and costly constraints – would be the expansion of the 400 kV grid.

The draft TGDP 2025-2034 is the result of several years of experience in applying innovative technical and economic analysis, including probabilistic methods, to transmission grid investment planning. In developing it, methods and computational tools developed in the previous edition of the TGDP were used. Outlining a set of grid investments was preceded by a fundamental analysis of scenarios for the development of the environment and the interior of the power system, in order to select projects that will contribute to the security of power supply to consumers under all conditions.

The projects presented in the TGDP are intended to support:

  • the ongoing energy transition manifested, among other things, through the increase in the share of energy from low- and zero-carbon sources,
  • plans to build offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea and nuclear power plants,
  • connections of new customers, generating units and energy storage facilities,
  • improving power supply conditions, including the minimisation of congestions across the system, particularly in the context of the planned construction of renewable (wind) sources in Northern Poland – both offshore and onshore,
  • implementation of the hydrogen strategy, the development of electromobility and prosumerism and the “Fit for 55” package.

Adapting the power system to the energy transition

Ensuring an adequate level of reactive power compensation

In line with the goals of the energy transition, the national power system (NPS) is facing significant structural changes in the next several years. The draft TGDP 2025-2034 provides for a significant share in the NPS of renewable energy sources (including offshore wind farms - OWFs), energy storage facilities, as well as investments in new grid resources to enable power transmission and transformation (including an internal HVDC system connecting northern and southern Poland).

The increasing share of renewable energy sources in the NPS, especially sources with full-scale high-capacity power-electronic converters, causes the withdrawal of conventional generating units with synchronous generators. Converter sources are characterised by different properties related to interoperation with the power system than synchronous sources. Thus, the anticipated change in the generation structure in the NPS and the resulting change in the volume and direction of power transfers in the transmission grid create new challenges for the operation of the system, such as those related to:

  • maintenance of the required voltage profile (static and dynamic) and voltage stability,
  • emergence of new local oscillation (low-frequency and high-frequency) mods resulting from the interaction of converter source control systems and the grid,
  • effect on damping low-frequency cross-zonal oscillations,
  • impact on the transient stability of operating synchronous units,
  • deterioration of frequency stability conditions resulting from a reduction in the natural inertia of the rotating masses of synchronous units (on the scale of the entire continental European system).

PSE is running the NPS Compensation Resource Management project, the main goal of which is for the TSO to establish a continuous capability for planning, operational management and standardisation of compensation resources in the dynamically changing environment of the NPS. In 2023, a utility database was prepared under the project to enable the analysis of electricity stability and quality in power systems with a very high share of converter resources. The implementation of the utility database was based on specialised DIgSILENT PowerFactory and Manitoba PSCAD-EMTDC software. In one of the tasks of the project – implemented in 2023 – appropriate mathematical models of the NPS were prepared, as well as a genetic algorithm to optimise the selection of compensation resources in the long-term timeframe. Voltage and maximum system impedance criteria were considered at offshore wind farm connection sites. The project is scheduled for completion in late 2024/early 2025.

Planned capital expenditure for infrastructure investment projects

In the draft Development Plan for meeting the current and future electricity demand for 2025-2034 with an outlook to 2037, 389 investment projects for the expansion and modernisation of the transmission grid are planned. The value of planned expenditure for the implementation of all projects for the period was estimated at about PLN 66.3 billion.

Implementation of the planned projects will contribute to measurable outcomes. The system effects that will be achieved from their implementation by 2034 and in the outlook to 2037 are shown in the table below.

Realizacja inwestycji infrastrukturalnych

W celu skuteczniejszej realizacji inwestycji w 2023 r. PSE cyklicznie aktualizowały Portfel inwestycji, stanowiący jedno z podstawowych narzędzi zarządzania projektami inwestycyjnymi. Portfel inwestycji sieciowych to zbiór projektów inwestycyjnych z zakresu infrastruktury sieciowej pogrupowanych w programy inwestycyjne.

Według stanu na dzień 26.04.2024 r. Portfel inwestycji sieciowych obejmuje 12 programów, w ramach których realizowane są łącznie 204 projekty inwestycyjne.

Portfel inwestycji sieciowych

Program 1. Poprawa warunków zasilania Polski centralnej i północno-wschodniej: 28 projektów inwestycyjnych.

Program 2. Poprawa warunków zasilania Polski południowo-zachodniej: 18 projektów inwestycyjnych.

Program 3. Poprawa warunków zasilania Polski centralnej i północno-zachodniej: 23 projekty inwestycyjne.

Program 4. Wyprowadzenie mocy z MFW wraz z poprawą warunków zasilania Polski północnej: 22 projekty inwestycyjne.

Program 5. Poprawa warunków zasilania Polski południowo-wschodniej: 27 projektów inwestycyjnych.

Program 6. Modernizacja systemów ogólnostacyjnych oraz SOT: 4 projekty inwestycyjne.

Program 7. Poprawa warunków zasilania Polski centralnej i południowej: 27 projektów inwestycyjnych. 

Program 8. Zakończenie formalne realizacji inwestycji: 14 projektów inwestycyjnych.

Program 9. Budowa sieci w technologii HVDC: 3 projekty inwestycyjne

Program 10. Dostawy inwestorskie: 18 projektów inwestycyjnych

Program 11. „Wyprowadzenie mocy z MFW oraz Elektrowni Jądrowej”: 15 projektów inwestycyjnych.

Program 12. „Połączenie międzysystemowe między Polską a Litwą (obecnie znane jako Harmony Link) wraz z przyłączeniem Suwalskiej Specjalnej Strefy Ekonomicznej”: 5 projektów inwestycyjnych.

Wpływ na zatrudnienie w różnych sektorach gospodarki i rozwój gospodarczy Polski

Z końcem roku 2023 spółka realizowała 197 projektów inwestycyjnych, z czego w grudniu realizowano 94 inwestycje o nadanym priorytecie 1. Projekty priorytetowe definiowane są w naszej spółce jako najważniejsze dla zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa pracy KSE.

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