The equal-priority pillars, which are also areas of sustainable development of our organisation, are as follows:
- Guarantor of energy security;
- Exemplary investor;
- Responsible employer;
- Reliable partner;
- Industry expert.
The equal-priority pillars, which are also areas of sustainable development of our organisation, are as follows:
Fig. 1. Priority areas of PSE’s sustainable development
Guarantor of energy security
Objective: Maintain an appropriate level of energy security in a socially and environmentally responsible manner
Our core regulated activity consists in fulfilling our obligations as the national transmission system operator. We manage the national power system by balancing the demand for electricity with the generation of electricity from generating sources available in the NPS.
We take part in creating the European electricity market and actively participate in developing Europe-wide initiatives undertaken by operators associated in ENTSO-E.
The power transmission grid must allow for changing power generation technologies and the locations of generating sources both in Poland and in Europe.
We are aware of the challenges posed by climate, environmental and social changes and the need to adapt all our activities to meet these challenges.
Exemplary investor
Objective: Win the favour of the investment environment
We plan and implement transmission grid investment projects across the country. This is the fundamental condition for ensuring the continuous and reliable operation of the transmission system and maintaining national energy security. Irrespective of the impact of our activities on the environment, we always listen to the needs and expectations of all stakeholders.
Utmost care and diligence in performing investment tasks is aimed to ensure that the values of the natural environment will remain available for future generations, and projects will be implemented with the acceptance of local communities in a manner that does not conflict with their broadly defined social interest.
Responsible employer
Objective: Provide employees with professional development opportunities and build a corporate culture based on the adopted values
PSE employees – their knowledge and commitment – are the foundation of the company’s success and its sustained growth. We focus on providing high-class specialists to our company, who will build its high market value by pursuing the mission and strategic objectives of the company, building its high market value. We offer a safe and friendly working environment. We focus on reliability, credibility and responsibility.
Reliable partner
Objective: Focus on transparency and ethics in dealing with partners
We attach significant importance to how we build relations with our partners. We play a leading role in the power sector, which translates into responsible decision-making and actions towards other participants of the electricity market in Poland.
We strive to create a sustainable future for all our internal and external stakeholders. Transparency and diligence, equal treatment of all market participants, and preventing corruption through transparent and effective procedures in cooperation with other electricity market participants are of great importance to us.
Industry expert
Objective: Build and maintain the TSO’s image as an expert in key legislative and opinion-forming forums.
Thanks to the competence and experience of our employees, we are perceived as a partner for cooperation with legislative bodies, central and local administration units, as well as with scientific institutions and industry organisations. as well as scientific institutions and industry organisations.
We are actively involved in the law-making process. We make efforts to ensure the development and transparency of the electricity market.