IRP service ─ the implementation of the capacity market in 2021 and other changes in the national electricity market, have necessitated the development and implementation of a new system service related to the reduction of electricity consumption by consumers in the NPS. This service is the Contingency Reduction of Power Consumption by Consumers Based on a Bidding Process (IRP), which replaced the previous DSR programmes. In the IRP service, the reduction volume is not specified; the products and capacities become known to the TSO after the collection of sales proposals (offers) submitted by the service providers in response to a request. The service is entirely voluntary and flexible – the providers are not obligated to make a sales proposal in response to a request.
In 2022 PSE implemented a new contracting model for the contingency reduction of power consumption service for the period from 25 March 2022 to 28 February 2023. The IRP Supplier Qualification System enables efficient and effective verification of providers and contracting for the IRP service. Entities meeting the criteria for the service, as set out in the IRP Supplier Qualification System Regulations, can apply for a contract via the PSE Purchasing Platform. Applications were accepted on a rolling basis from 25 March 2022 to 28 February 2023. The term of a contract could vary between the providers, depending on when the contract is signed – however, service provision could start no earlier than 1 April 2022. Five contracts were concluded, which were in force until 31 March 2023.
At the next stage, in March 2023, PSE issue a call for proposals under the IRP Provider Qualification System for the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
The number of providers with who PSE had IRP service contracts in 2023:
- 5 between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023,
- 6 between 1 April 2023 and 31 December 2023.
Between 1 January 2024 and 31 March 2024, PSE had contracts with 5 IRP service providers to ensure continuity of services, and in March 2024, PSE issued a call for proposals under the IRP Provider Qualification System for the period from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. As at 13 June 2024, PSE had entered into 5 contracts for the provision of the IRP service for the aforementioned period.
IZP service – w 2023 r. in 2023. PSE started work on the introduction of a new service to be used by TSOs in situations of over-supply of electricity generation in the NPS, i.e. the Contingency Increase of Power Consumption by Consumers Based on a Bidding Process (IZP). IZP is to provide the TSO with access to the quick contingency reserve for increasing the volume of power consumed by users on instructions from the TSO.
The ERO President, by decision of 20 December 2023, amended the Balancing Conditions (BCs), which added the new IZP service to the list of system services for the contingency reserve. Due to the provisions of the new BCs, which came into effect on 14 June 2024, the ERO President, by decision of 31 May 2024, approved the amendments to the Transmission Grid Code (IRiESP) specified in the Revision Sheet, under which the IZP service was included in IRiESP.
As intended, the IZP service consists of the right to offer a load increase and the obligation to perform, for a fee, a load increase in the amount offered, but without compensation for the readiness to provide this service. The introduction of the IZP service will increase the number of TSO tools for the NPS balancing. The service will be able to be used in particular to increase power consumption during periods of high generation from RES sources and low demand for electricity in the NPS. The new service will reduce the need for non-market redispatch of RES sources. The IZP service will make it possible to use the existing potential of electricity consumers who hold ORed certificates, i.e. documents that entitle them to participate in the DSR programme.